Building Reactive Systems with Spring Boot: Leveraging Spring WebFlux and Reactor

Building Reactive Systems with Spring Boot: Leveraging Spring WebFlux and Reactor

In today's fast-paced world, where responsiveness and scalability are critical factors, building reactive systems has become a necessity. Reactive systems are those that can respond to events as soon as they occur, rather than waiting for a request to complete. This approach allows us to build systems that are more responsive, resilient, and scalable than traditional request-response systems.

In this article, we will see how to build reactive systems using Spring Boot, Spring WebFlux, and Reactor. We will start by discussing the benefits of reactive programming and the principles of the reactive manifesto. We will then dive into the specifics of building reactive systems using Spring Boot, Spring WebFlux, and Reactor, with plenty of code examples along the way.

What is Reactive Programming?

To understand reactive programming, it's important to understand the difference between synchronous and asynchronous programming models. In a synchronous programming model, a request is made and the program waits for a response before moving on to the next request. In contrast, an asynchronous programming model allows requests to be processed in parallel, with the program continuing to process requests while waiting for a response.

Reactive programming takes the asynchronous programming model a step further, by allowing us to process streams of data in a non-blocking way. This means that we can handle large volumes of data without blocking the program's main thread. Reactive programming is particularly useful in situations where we need to process large volumes of data in real-time, such as in a streaming data application.

Spring WebFlux is a Spring Framework module that provides support for building reactive web applications. It is built on top of the Reactive Streams specification, which defines a standard for asynchronous stream processing in Java. Spring WebFlux allows us to build non-blocking, reactive applications that can handle large volumes of requests with minimal resources.

Reactor is a Java library for building reactive applications. It provides two types of reactive streams: Flux and Mono. A Flux is a stream that can emit zero or more items, while a Mono is a stream that can emit zero or one item. Reactor provides a wide range of operators for manipulating these streams, allowing us to filter, transform, and combine them in a variety of ways.

By combining Spring WebFlux and Reactor, we can build highly responsive and scalable applications that can handle large volumes of requests with minimal resources. We can also use Spring Boot to simplify the process of building and deploying our applications, allowing us to focus on writing code rather than configuring infrastructure.

Benefits of Reactive Programming

Reactive programming is an approach to programming that focuses on building systems that can react to events as they occur. Reactive systems are built using asynchronous and non-blocking programming models, allowing them to handle a large number of requests with fewer resources.

The benefits of reactive programming include:

  • Responsiveness: Reactive systems can respond to events as they occur, rather than waiting for requests to complete.

  • Scalability: Reactive systems can handle a large number of requests with fewer resources.

  • Resilience: Reactive systems can handle failure more gracefully and recover more quickly.

Principles of the Reactive Manifesto

The Reactive Manifesto is a document that outlines the principles of reactive programming. These principles are:

  • Responsive: The system should respond in a timely manner to user requests and events.

  • Resilient: The system should be able to handle and recover from failures.

  • Elastic: The system should be able to scale up or down depending on the load.

  • Message-driven: The system should be designed around messages and events, rather than synchronous method calls.

Building Reactive Systems with Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building enterprise applications. It provides a range of features that simplify the development and deployment of applications, including auto-configuration, embedded servers, and production-ready metrics.

Spring WebFlux is a Spring framework for building reactive web applications. It provides a non-blocking programming model that can handle a large number of requests with fewer resources.

Reactor is a reactive programming library for the JVM. It provides a range of abstractions for building reactive systems, including Flux and Mono for handling streams of data.

To build reactive systems with Spring Boot, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Configure the Spring WebFlux application.

  2. Define the reactive endpoints.

  3. Use Reactor to handle the streams of data.

Let's see how to do each of these steps in detail.

Step 1: Configure the Spring WebFlux application

To configure the Spring WebFlux application, we need to add the spring-webflux dependency to our project. We also need to configure the WebFluxConfigurer to set up the reactive infrastructure.

public class WebFluxConfig implements WebFluxConfigurer {
    public void configureHttpMessageCodecs(ServerCodecConfigurer configurer) {
        configurer.defaultCodecs().jackson2JsonEncoder(new Jackson2JsonEncoder());
        configurer.defaultCodecs().jackson2JsonDecoder(new Jackson2JsonDecoder());

In the above code, we are enabling the Spring WebFlux infrastructure by annotating the configuration class with @EnableWebFlux. We are also configuring the ServerCodecConfigurer to use the Jackson library for encoding and decoding JSON data.

Step 2: Define the reactive endpoints

To define the reactive endpoints, we need to create a controller and annotate its methods with the appropriate annotations. We can use the @RestController annotation to indicate that this controller will handle HTTP requests, and the @GetMapping annotation to define the endpoints.

public class ReactiveController {
    public Flux<String> getReactiveData() {
        return Flux.just("Reactive", "Systems", "Are", "Awesome");

In the above code, we are defining a reactive endpoint that returns a Flux of strings. A Flux is a reactive stream that can emit zero or more items. In this case, we are emitting four strings: "Reactive", "Systems", "Are", and "Awesome".

Step 3: Use Reactor to handle the streams of data

To handle the streams of data, we need to use Reactor. Reactor provides two types of reactive streams: Flux and Mono. A Flux can emit zero or more items, while a Mono can emit zero or one item.

We can use Reactor to process the streams of data in a variety of ways, including filtering, mapping, and reducing. Here's an example of how to map the strings emitted by the Flux:

Flux<String> reactiveData = Flux.just("Reactive", "Systems", "Are", "Awesome");
Flux<String> mappedData = -> s.toUpperCase());

In the above code, we are creating a Flux of strings and then using the map operator to transform the strings to uppercase.

We can also use Reactor to combine multiple streams of data. Here's an example of how to combine two Flux streams:

Flux<String> flux1 = Flux.just("Reactive", "Systems");
Flux<String> flux2 = Flux.just("Are", "Awesome");
Flux<String> combined =, flux2).map(t -> t.getT1() + " " + t.getT2());

In the above code, we are creating two Flux streams and then using the zip operator to combine them. We are then using the map operator to concatenate the two strings emitted by each Flux.

Step 4: Manipulating Data Streams with Reactor Operators and Debugging Reactive Systems

Step 3 showed us how to use Reactor to handle the streams of data in our reactive system. In this step, we'll take a closer look at some of the operators provided by Reactor and how we can use them to manipulate our data streams.

One useful operator is the map operator, which allows us to transform the data in our streams. For example, suppose we have a stream of numbers and we want to multiply each number by 2. We can use the map operator to achieve this:

Flux<Integer> numbers = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Flux<Integer> doubled = -> n * 2);

In this example, doubled is a new stream that emits the values 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. We can chain multiple operators together to perform more complex transformations:

Flux<Integer> numbers = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Flux<String> strings = numbers
    .filter(n -> n % 2 == 0)
    .map(n -> "Number " + n);

In this example, we filter out the odd numbers and then map the even numbers to strings with a prefix of "Number ".

Another useful operator is the flatMap operator, which allows us to transform each element in a stream into one or more elements in a new stream. For example, suppose we have a stream of words and we want to split each word into its individual characters:

Flux<String> words = Flux.just("hello", "world");
Flux<String> characters = words.flatMap(word -> Flux.fromArray(word.split("")));

In this example, characters is a new stream that emits the individual characters in the words "hello" and "world".

Debugging reactive systems can be challenging, as the code is often asynchronous and non-blocking. Fortunately, Spring Boot provides some tools to help us debug our reactive code. One useful tool is the log operator, which allows us to log the events in our streams. For example, we can add a log operator to our stream of numbers:

Flux<Integer> numbers = Flux.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

In this example, we add the log operator to our stream of numbers and then subscribe to it. The log operator will print out the events in the stream, including when elements are emitted, when errors occur, and when the stream is completed.


Reactive programming is an approach to programming that focuses on building systems that can react to events as they occur. Reactive systems are built using asynchronous and non-blocking programming models, allowing them to handle a large number of requests with fewer resources.

Spring Boot, Spring WebFlux, and Reactor provide the tools we need to build reactive systems. With these technologies, we can build systems that are more responsive, resilient, and scalable than traditional request-response systems. By following the principles of the Reactive Manifesto and using the best practices for building reactive systems, we can create applications that meet the demands of today's fast-paced world.